Amulya Hazarika, a retired Senior Scientist in North East Institute of Science & Technology (earlier Regional Research Laboratory, Jorhat (Council of Scientistic & Industrial Research, New Delhi) was born at Golaghat in 1937. Amulya Hazarika needs no introduction to the intelligentsia in particular and the public in general. His straight-forward, lucid and juicy writing makes even difficult subject much easy to understand. Dvansamuki Prithivi, a book on environmental pollution published in 1972 was the first book of its kind in Assamese language. The Preface of the book was written by Sahityacharyya Sayed Abdul Malik. Prakriti Param Bandhu (1987), a book on environment was awarded by Asom Sahitya Sabha (Dumdooma). Chaka Kenekai Ghure, Mahakasar Rashasya, Yantrik Manav, Prakriti, Parives aru Vijnan Jagat, Patanga Srestha Pipilika and Parives aru Pradusan are some of the worth mentioning books on popular science.
Sri Hazarika has a distinctive place in the realm of Science Fiction. Sandhan and Akraman are two Sci-Fics which are well-read and well-talked-about by the book lovers. Stiphen Hoking - Samayar Ithihas Rachota Sei Bikolanga Vijnani jon ( Stephen Hawking - that physically challenged scientist who wrote the history of time) is the first (and so far only) biography in Assamese as the best book for children of upper age in the Book Fair organised in Guwahati (1992) by the National Book Trust. Mahanagarir Mahagun a witty-satirical travelogue is a book which could win the hearts of thousands of children and grown-ups alike from all over Assam.
In the area of fictions Bisakanyar Paras is unique in its bold and novel style of writing and unconventional approach to the theme which can be compared only to Khuswant Singh's New Delhi. Samrat Tutenkhamenar Rahasyabrita Samadhi is an excellent reading material in the area of archeacological story suitable for both children and adults.
In the field of translation too Sri Hazarika has excelled. Some of his translated works worth-mentioning are O Henrir Galpa (1962, 1988), Kabulivalar Bangali Stri (1999, 2003), Byasta Dalalar Prem (2003) and Taliban, Afgan are Moi (2003).
Publicity-shy and aloof, Sri Hazarika is not a profile 'article writer for Newspapers and Magazines. But rare articles like Kitap Kinar Ananda (Pleasure in buying of books) published in Prantik; Sarbanasia Suranga (The Ominous hole) in Asom Bani; Bhavanar Raja in Sutradhar; Atmashananar Path in Dainik Janambhumi; Arthanaitik Unnayan aru Parivesar Parasparik Samvandha ;; Lekhak aru Prakasakar Parasparik Samparka, etc in Amar Asom are written by him on specific requests from the editors or other enthusiasts.
Amulya Hazarika had his basic education and professional training in Birla College of Science & Technology in Pilani, University of Calcutta, Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi, David Livingstone Institute for Overseas Development Studies, University of Strathelyde, Glasgow (UK).
Sri Hazarika has started his professional career (1959-1963) in National Library, Calcutta as a Sub-editor of Indian National Bibiliography under the tutelage of Padmashree B S Kesavan, Former Director of National Library and INSDOC, New Delhi.
Amulya Hazarika joined RRL Jorhat (CSIR) in 1964 and served in various high positions upto 1995. Sri Hazarika took premature Volunteery Retirement from his position as Head, Information & Industrial Liaison and joined COSTED (An UNESCO sponsored organisation) at Chennai (1995) as 'Consultant - Information'. Since 1995, after 1995 retiring from Chennai, Sri Hazarika settled at Jorhat (Assam) and concentrated in writing.
Dvansamuki Prithivi, a book on environmental pollution published in 1972 was the first book of its kind in Assamese language. The Preface of the book was written by Sahityacharyya Sayed Abdul Malik.
Akraman published in 1983, Science fiction. The story depicts the invasion of North East India by an enemy of the nation utilizing biological weapons of mass destruction.
Prakriti Param Bandhu (1987), a book on environment was awarded by Asom Sahitya Sabha for its excellence in its Dumdooma session. Many aspects of pollution and environmental degradation was narrated in story form.
Raj Alir Pora Rajsabhalai, published in 1990. A historical novel based on important events documented from Assam history, specially Ahom Buranjis or chronicles. Adjudged as the best book exhibited in a Book Fair in Guwahati organised by National Book Trust in 1992. Abridged edition of this book was approved by Secondary Education Board of Assam (SEBA) as a Rapid reader for students of Class VIII.
Sandhan, published in 1992. Science fiction A Professor happen to be renowned scientist just disappeared literally into thin air. Lot of speculations and gossips surfaced. Needle of suspicion moved from CIA to Pakistani to Bangladeshi Intellegence services. Thus infact the scientist was carried away by extra-terrestriols using transportation rays to the deep space.
Mahanagarir Mahagun published in 1993 and 2003. A collection of ancedotes and events which are informative, humorous and also satirical, highly appreciated by young and old alike.
Prakriti, Parives aru Vijnan Jagat published in 1996, 1998 & 1998. Complex environmental problems and impact of human activities on the ecosphere are erxplained in a very simple language.
Patanga Sristha Pipilika published in 1997. Interesting activities and life systems of different species of ants are portrayed in a simple language in the book.
Chaki kenekai ghure - a translated work, published in 1963 for children of upper age. The book discusses basic physics and mechanics.
Mahakasar Rahasya, 1963, a translated works. Introduction to space.
Address :
Amulya Hazarika
Ex Scientist, RRL Jorhat
Jail Road (K K Path) JORHAT - 785001 Assam (India)
Tel : (0376) 2324936